We would like to introduce senior employees who are active at the Hydrangea Care Center.
We asked him to tell us about his reasons for joining the company, his current work, his future goals, and his message to everyone.
main office吉楽 香梨Joined October 2008
General affairs
and administrationmain office石原 隆Joined August 2012
HRI Challenger
Visene Tataranuma Park,
Vibel Tataranuma Park 関谷 宣子Joined August 2017 -
food coordinator
Vibel Tataranuma Park柴崎 きよみJoined August 2010
Care workers
Vibel HanyuシエラJoined April 2019
Care workers
Vibel Tataranuma ParkトンモイJoined March 2020
Care workers
Vibel Ota Oshima TownクゲレナトJoined in December 2021