Nice to meet you. It is a hydrangea care center.
We are committed to offering services aiming at comfortable living by all of our users and reducing the burden of nursing care of their families. We repeatedly reform and challenge each day to achieve this goal We aim to become a comprehensive service supplier of home care. We appreciate your continued support in the future.
- chief
- Keiko Suzuki

Business IntroductionOUR SERVICE
01Facility business for the elderly
- House for senior citizen with service・
- Paid nursing home business
02Long-term care insurance business
- Visit (prevention) nursing care business・
- In-Home Long-Term Care Support Project・
- Passage (prevention) nursing care business
03Disability Independence Support Project
- Assistance in changing clothes and bathing・
- Preparing meals・
- Cleaning the room and helping with laundry
04Care Taxi Business
It is a welfare limited freight transportation business approved by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
Facility introductionFACILITIES
Would you like to work with us?
Application for workplace experience / work place tourWORKPLACE VISIT
Details of contents

Inside the facilityPHOTO GALLERY
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